Father the Flame: Galaxy of Grain
Read moreThe latest Father the Flame teaser from Directors Card and Rush, bathes us in the glory of beautifully grained pieces of briar, fashioned into smoking pipes. Something that is today so inextricably linked with our appreciation of a particular smoking pipe, was at one time almost an after thought for us. Remembering back to the very first pipes we ever purchased, grain wasn’t all…
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August’s Pipe Guys’ Tobacco Pick: Frog Morton’s Cellar
Read moreYou’ve probably already heard us oozing over this delicious tobacco blend, since it happens to be our absolute favorite at the moment. For that we’ve decided to make it official and let it be the inaugural Pipe Guys’ Pick! Settle down, we’ll explain. The “Pipe Guys’ Pick” is, at it’s roots, an excuse for us to “study” as much pipe tobacco as humanly possible without incurring…
The Future of Pipe Smoking
Read moreHave you ever found yourself wondering what the future of pipe smoking is? Will we still be smoking our beloved pipes in thirty years? Or will the ultra-liberal-with-everything-but-surprisingly-conservative-with-tobacco political party get their way and have a tobacco-free world in glorious 2043? We think about that very often. After all, what would The Pipe Guys…
Handmade vs. Factory Smoking Pipes: Which is For You?
Read moreI suppose this can’t really be called an “age-old debate,” but as pipes take on a new generation of smokers, many are asking the same questions: what’s the difference between a handmade smoking pipe and a factory made smoking pipe? Will a factory made pipe smoke well? Which one should I buy? In the interest of setting the record straight, we have decided to put forth a write-up…
Pipe Maker: Wayne Teipen
Read morePerhaps up until now only the most involved pipe enthusiasts will have been familiar with the name Wayne Teipen, but as any patron of the arts knows, great talent has a way of being outed sooner or later. Wayne Teipen began making pipes in 2008, after two years of smoking and collecting. If nothing else, one can say that Wayne is a methodical man, and his…
Father the Flame: A Smoking Pipe Documentary
Read moreDirector Chad Terpstra and Producer/Co-director Rush are putting together a marvelous documentary for our beloved pastime, and giving the once humble smoking pipe a dash of limelight it deserves. I say “once humble” because the vision, skill and dedication of pipe makers like Jeff Burt-Gracik, and briar cutters like Mimmo Romeo (both featured in the trailer)…
Making Your Own Smoking Pipe
Read moreMaking your own pipe is not an easy task, especially if you want the result to be more than just a block of wood with a couple of holes in it. However, if you possess some patience, and practice some determination, you may be surprised at just how capable you are of producing your own practical smoking instrument. The making of a pipe is the most fulfilling activity that I take the…
The Truth About Bowl Coatings
Read moreSo you think coating the chamber of a tobacco pipe is blasphemous, huh? This is a hot button issue for many pipe smokers, with stark opposition on both sides of the argument, so we’re going to demystify the subject for you. What’s the big idea behind bowl coatings, anyway? Many individual pipe makers and large factories alike put the finishing touch on each of…
Put Down That Pipe!
Read moreSurely the majority of us pipe smokers, at least once, have been the target of a dirty look or rude comment directed at our habitual puffing. Being a pipe smoker just isn’t as cool these days as being an organic farmer or gluten-free baker. Most of the time rude comments and dirty looks are hurtful, but after the fact, they are often good for a laugh as well. About a year ago, Jon and I…