August’s Pipe Guys’ Tobacco Pick: Frog Morton’s Cellar

August’s Pipe Guys’ Tobacco Pick: Frog Morton’s Cellar
August 3, 2013 The Pipe Guys

You’ve probably already heard us oozing over this delicious tobacco blend, since it happens to be our absolute favorite at the moment. For that we’ve decided to make it official and let it be the inaugural Pipe Guys’ Pick! Settle down, we’ll explain. The “Pipe Guys’ Pick” is, at it’s roots, an excuse for us to “study” as much pipe tobacco as humanly possible without incurring judgment from our more conscientious halves. As we smoke, we’ll be taking notes, which means it will be quite informative for you all! We’ll be picking one tobacco a month, every month, that has truly impressed us. On to this month’s pick!

McClelland Tobacco Company

The Frog Morton series is blended by McClelland in Kansas City, Missouri. McClelland isn’t as large a blender as some of the tobacco giants of Europe, but they still manage to produce some of the most beloved and highly regarded pipe tobaccos on the planet; the Frog Morton series blends are no exception. Frog Morton’s Cellar is a standout of the series, and here’s why…

With Frog Morton, McClelland has contributed to the evolution of the English blend in a most acceptable way. English blends have been a favorite of pipe smokers the world around for a very long time, and there are tons of them, but few smoke as smoothly and smell as sweetly as does Frog Morton’s Cellar. The blend of tobaccos is already sublime with just the right amount of Latakia to spice the sweet Virginia base. Add to that the mild buttery sweetness imparted by the stave cube cut from an oaken whiskey barrel, and you’ve got a creamy, delicious English blend that will win everyone over with it’s surprisingly pleasant room note. This blend will leave you feeling like the happiest old frog ever to smoke a pipe.

Our Favorite Frog

We can’t recommend Frog Morton’s Cellar highly enough, and we want everyone to try it! This month’s Pipe Guys’ Pick is now available for just $7.90 for the 50 gram tin and $12.90 for the 100 gram tin, but only until midnight (EST) on August 10th. Go get yourself a tin… or ten. You’ll be tempted to overdose, but please refrain.

All of this Year's Picks

Comments (4)

  1. Void 12 years ago

    Cellar is the best I’ve tried out of the FM line so far. Unfortunately, my last bit of it dried out recently. I’ll be getting some more in the mail in this coming week or two! If I’d known The Pipe Guys had set up a store, I would’ve ordered from them. But I know it now 🙂

  2. nohackle 12 years ago

    Just found you folks and look forward to the site continuing to grow. I am a big fan of FM blends and cellar is my favorite . I really enjoy the sweet notes and wonder if there were any other tobaccos along this same vein that you could recommend

    • Glad you found us and thanks! You might want to give Navy Cavendish a try ( It’s another fantastic blend from McClelland. It is a full Virginia Cavendish so it will give you a mellower smoker than FM Cellar (loaded with latakia) and its also has a light rum flavoring.

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